
Title Editor(s) Publisher New in
Journal of World Languages He Wei, Huang Guowen &
Jonathan J. Webster
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Vol 5.3
Linguistics and the Human Sciences Jonathan J. Webster,
Eric Cheung & Geoff Williams
Equinox UK Vol 14.1-2
WORD, Journal of the ILA Jonathan J. Webster Routledge, Taylor & Francis Vol 66.2

Journal of World Languages (JWL)

The Journal of World Languages explores the linguistic, communicative and socio-cultural implications of the global spread of major languages and the impact this is having on the world's linguistic mapping. Recognizing that the phenomenon of becoming a world language encompasses a growing number of languages with significant implications for the development of these languages, the Journal of World Languages encourages a comparative approach to the study of the roles of education, the media, the economy, etc. in contributing to the growth of a world language.

It is a cross-disciplinary journal whose coverage of the effects of globalization on languages extends coverage to all world languages.

A bi-annual symposium for the Journal of World Languages is organised worldwide. Click here for the journal's website.

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Linguistics and the Human Sciences (LHS)

LHS is an international journal published three times a year by the Equinox Publishing (UK) under the editoralship of Professor Jonathan Webster (Editor), Dr Marvin Lam of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (Associate Editor), Professor Geoff Williams of University of British Columbia, Canada (Review Editor), and an editorial board comprising world-renowned scholars. LHS was launched in November 2005 with the purpose of exploring the relationship between linguistics and such areas of scholarly concern as history, sociology, politics, archaeology, religious studies, translation and the study of arts various semiotic modalities, in so much as these enterprises draw upon or contribute to a catholic understanding and development linguistics. The Centre has been cooperating with the Run Run Shaw Library in developing a strategy for getting the LHS listed on the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI). This move will boost the intellectual image of both the Centre and the University on the international level.

The reviewed papers are available here and will be available in print.

Subscribe / Submit to this journal at Equinox Publishing (UK)


The journal WORD with over 60 years of history was first published in 1945 by the International Linguistic Association (the Association) under the editorship of Pauline Taylor. It is known as one of the main sources of new ideas in American linguistics.

WORD , an academic journal of linguistics issued four times a year, is the publication of the Association. Each issue contains articles and reviews. Occasionally, special issues on specific topics are produced. Such issues have dealt with:

  • Language and language planning (30/1979);
  • The Spanish and Portuguese language in the Western Hemisphere (33/1982);
  • Text linguistics (37/1986); and
  • Systemic linguistics (40/1989).
Paper from the 1991 conference on Indo-European Linguisitcs have also been published in WORD.

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